Author: Clint Brinkley
Clint Brinkley is the Co-Founder and CEO of Relocating Your Business, a company headquartered in Texas that provides business technology services and solutions throughout these United States. His team serves companies in a variety of industries, and has helped hundreds of companies with the complicated task of relocating their business.
Mr. Brinkley comes from an entrepreneurial family. Many of his early lessons in business were learned from his father, who owned and operated several businesses during Clint’s formative years. So it was no surprise that after exceeding the expectations of the companies Clint worked for after college, he Co-Founded his own company in 2004 with the help and guidance from his father and business partner, Ray Brinkley.
However, there are no successes without challenges along the way. Despite many challenges in his personal life, including becoming a single father of two young children, Clint forged ahead and made Your Business Solutions a leading IT Managed Services Provider in the great state of Texas.
Since its founding, Clint’s company has serviced over 700 clients across more than 20 industries. They appreciate his strong belief in the Servant Leadership philosophy, and have come to trust his advice as solid and dependable. They know that if you have a concern, you can come to his company to discuss it and find the solution, no matter the issue.
Over the past 20 years of his service, Clint has facilitated hundreds of corporate business relocations, including IT, office, and phone systems relocation. This book is a collection of the experience he’s gained, the lessons he’s learned, and the insights he’s attained from these challenging operations. Now he shares them with you to hopefully save your business from the preventable stress and expense that come with relocating.
Dedication: I dedicate this book to sanity. The sanity that you, the reader, will be able to keep if you learn from the mistakes of others and follow these proven steps.